Peak Health Port Macquarie
At Peak Health you will find that treatments are always uniquely applied to every individual case and will involve a blend of approaches that incorporates the entire body systems, rather than focusing upon singular symptoms.
Assessments include a full Client History, Nutritional consultations and questionnaires, Live Blood Analysis, External Laboratory testing and Neural Integration testing.
I’m also qualified to offer light counselling and life coaching and am a member of The Australian Traditional Medicine Society which includes all legal requirements for insurance and many health fund claims.

Various Health Condition
ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Asperger’s, mental and emotional issues including anxiety, depression and panic attacks
These labels can all be addressed under the banner called “Cortical Organization or
Integration”. The main crux of NIS (AKA Neurolink) is to help the brain to
‘re-organize’ its neurological pathways and in turn ‘re-set’ neurotransmitter
activity and improve the proper clean-up systems of normal brain cell death.
These are multi-layered conditions, and all aspects of treatment should be completed
in order to gain the best results.
These would include:
- Intestinal integrity
- Correct nutritional absorption
- Appropriate diet
- Adrenal function assessment
- Brain chemistry reset
- In addition, I will complete a full assessment and correction of all cortical hemispheres and neurological pathways.
Cardiac Dysfunction:
It is not common knowledge that the heart muscle itself can be infected by any pathogen (Viral, Bacterial, Fungal or Parasitic) this in turn lowers full cardiac responses and hence function.
The electrical signals from the neurological centre of the heart vessel itself comes under the governance of the brainstem (Medulla Oblongata) and this intrinsic rhythmical control can be disrupted by shock, trauma, neck injuries, or spinal subluxations. NIS (Neural Integration System) can effectively reset this delicate connection which then can rectify arrythmias and low blood pressure issues.
Diet and lifestyle contribute to chronic Cardiac issues however, at times attention to changes in this area of health doesn’t fix the hidden causes of Cardiac dysfunction. Having said that, full dietary and supplemental guidance is offered to support the body in its recovery from any Cardiovascular disorder.
Chronic Fatigue
There can be many degrees of fatigue that people tolerate daily, which can be quite easily rectified by adding supplementary nutrients and adjusting diet and lifestyle, however, Chronic Fatigue is a very different beast!
Proper absorption of nutrients is addressed as in most cases this is the primary reason for physical fatigue however underlying contributions caused by immune preoccupation with chronic infections such as Fungal, Bacterial, Viral or Parasitic, will most likely be involved.
Digestive disorders
This issue has many descriptions however, no matter what yours is, there are many ways we can help you find resolves.
Full attention is paid to your daily eating habits and investigation is undertaken to assess which particular regime to apply for your initial phases of treatment and tests may be undertaken to diagnose the current status of your Microbiome.
Even if you’ve changed your diet or follow strict regimes to control your symptoms NIS (Neural Integration System) has the answers to why the 4 phases of digestion -Digestion, Metabolism, Assimilation and Absorption – are not taking place.
At each of these stages, thousands of enzyme functions need to take place for food to be correctly utilised by the body. Remembering that any one of these issues may be affected by underlying infections or timing of gastric juices, there are many pathways to resolve on an individual basis. No one diet or program fits all!
Only by identifying the underlying causes at a cellular level can your optimal nutritional digestive absorption be resolved.
Fertility and hormones both male & female
It’s now known that it takes two healthy people to become pregnant, so not only the female may be lacking in certain metabolic building blocks that support the hormonal system, the male could be also.
Nutritional assessments for both are necessary and adjustments from both sides will be needed.
If proper hormonal balance cannot be acquired via nutritional and supplementary process NIS (Neural Integration System) can be applied to uncover other possible obstacles to the full delivery of important hormones to the relevant organs.
If your need is only for hormonal disorders to be addressed – again, nutritional and absorption issues are the first line of treatment followed by going deeper into the brain’s capacity to make and release hormones and complete their correct delivery throughout the whole body and it’s glandular systems via NIS (Neural Integration System).
This is a medical description of a condition that simply describes ‘many muscles aching’ and for those who suffer this condition, not much is offered to resolve the problem.
Nutrient deficiency, full nutritional absorption, poor diet or digestion can all be major contributors to this painful and debilitating disorder.
Penetrating deeper into the issue can reveal lowered immunity, poor thyroid function, low vitamin D and many other chemical imbalances caused by miscommunication from the brain’s own sensory and transmitter pathways. These are addressed by competing a Food Diary, sending saliva and faecal samples to a laboratory, and applying NIS as an exploratory tool.
If you are struggling with anything in this list of conditions you can be sure that your immune system is under attack.
- Hay fever
- Sinus and mucous issues
- Allergies both seasonal and constant
- Asthma
- Re-occurring infections such as colds or ‘flu
- Or if you’ve already been diagnosed with any kind of auto immune illness- this could show that you’ve had an underlying infection that has pre-occupied your normal immune responses and hi-jacked your own ability to heal.
Equally – poor intestinal integrity can be doing the same thing – grabbing white blood cells that are needed elsewhere to keep your nutritional absorption and gut function in order; all the possibilities will evidence themselves during dietary consultations, NIS treatments and Live Blood Analysis.
Infants and children
It’s amazing how quickly children respond to NIS’s (Neural Integration System) non-invasive, simple yet profound method of sourcing and resolving their disorders.
Common symptoms that can have a parent concerned or visiting the doctor can be remedied by neurological corrections that can identify the cause as well as build the child’s immune system as they heal their complaints without anti-biotics or other medications.
Issues commonly addressed include:
- Chronic ear infections
- Sinus issues
- Allergies
- Mysterious tummy aches
- Skin eruptions or rashes
- Low weight or slow growth patterns
- Excessive regurgitation in infants
- Diarrhoea or constipation
- Anger or behavioural problems
- Learning difficulties
- Eating disorders
Circadian Hygiene is often the cause of mild insomnia and learning how to prepare your body and mind for a full night’s rest is not hard to do however, Chronic insomnia is altogether different to the experience of poor sleep patterns and needs a very different angle of approach.
Nutritionally the brain could be lacking several different minerals and vitamins that enable healthy brain function and proper neurotransmitter organization within the neural pathways, so attention to nutritional absorption and regulation of the brain’s own white blood cell (Glial phagocytic) activation is important here.
Using NIS (Neural Integration System) we may determine which chemistry is involved in your sleep disruption and engage the brain’s own chemical factory to redirect the appropriate messages from the Pineal gland to the rest of your body so that it may get the ‘sleep now’ message. This process often involves uncovering Adrenal, Dopamine, Serotonin, Melatonin or Mitochondrial malfunctions, which the body may rectify once full cortical integration is acquired.
Invasive Pathologies: Viral, Fungal, Bacterial or Parasitic
This could be the most important area of your health that you ever attend to!
Within the NIS (AKA Neurolink) it has been shown time and time again, that these invaders can drag all body functions down and cause many symptoms of unknown or idiopathic causes.
Through NIS treatments, these issues are resolved by your b being allowed to Brain’s capacity to ‘see’ the problem and then release the necessary white blood cells to deal with it.
These debilitating forms of headaches are the brain’s way of getting the body back into a safe range of acidity. As the liver is directly involved with the management of the body’s PH levels, addressing any issues involving the liver is important. These include systemic fungal infections or direct liver infections, viral, bacterial or parasitic, all of which can be addressed via NIS (Neural Integration System).
Alcohol intake plus adjusting the diet to creating a healthy acidic balance are both important in resolving chronic migraine issues, as the problem can be made worse if the transit time for food is increased or decreased. Dehydration is also addressed as fluid balance affects healthy PH levels and causes many other imbalances on a cellular level.
Neurological injury resulting from accident or trauma
It has been a common phenomenon for the body to attract tissue virus to sites of previous trauma or injury – as clearing virus from the body is achievable using NIS (AKA Neurolink) these injuries can be resolved over time.
Skin Disorders
It’s essential to unload the bodies filtering systems in order to relieve the skin from constantly offloading toxins through the pores.
Attending to dietary changes, exercise, water intake and supplementation can all help address skin issues depending on their various causes some of which may include liver dysfunction because of Fungal, Viral, Bacterial or Parasitic involvement. Essentially, it’s the immune system that regulates the skin via lymphatic pathways that carry toxins out of the body and as immunity begins in the intestinal system that is the place to begin to resolve any skin problem.
Structural and muscular complaints
Within my system we find muscles directly correlate to various glands and organs. Often, it is found that weakness in any structural muscle is bound in with the corresponding gland. By investigating what has affected that gland and addressing it – the muscle will strengthen without special exercises. Alternatively – muscles can stop responding as they should as a direct result of over- reaching or actual damage to the muscle itself. This responds to structural correction of the pelvis, massage and nutritional supplementation.
it is possible to establish your immune status and support your body’s ability to create and release adequate white blood cells. This may be assessed via Live Blood Analysis or detailed questionnaire.
Oils may also be used to assist with healing, especially for fungal or parasitic issues. Supplements may be offered to support your immunity and to provide adequate building blocks for healing.