Deborah Cooper
My journey began with watching my mother’s ongoing degeneration with Multiple Sclerosis where my belief that medicines weren’t helping her to recover and were in fact making her worse, began.
So, right there – at 7yrs old – I knew there must be better ways that work!
While in India, my 18-month-old son was bitten by a rabid dog; he didn’t suffer 12inch needles jabbed daily into his sweet little abdomen for his treatment – instead, he was treated with homeopathic Hydrophobia! He also contracted diphtheria – again treated naturally; he’s now in his 40’s living a rich full life!
These deeply held beliefs continued to gain traction in my life to include chiropractic care, Neural Integration, Nutrition, herbs and now essential oils as fully functional medicines.
My work is part of my life’s purpose – to help others get well and stay well and I’m hoping for you to join me – Welcome to my world!

Having 15 years of training and practice in the Hastings Valley I offer you the combined qualities of scientifically researched and personally monitored programs as I see you through your healing process.
Some of the best results have been with people who have mysterious symptoms that nothing seems to shift; these are often caused by hidden pathogens or infectious invaders and it’s here that Neurolink shows its greatest strength!
The System of Neurolink is safe for infants to ancients; involves no medications and only requires a few visits to show results. During a treatment, you will remain fully clothed and will be lying on a massage couch. In order to discover what is affecting your body we will be using your brain and body as a bio-feedback mechanism and we will be testing the strength of a single muscle to determine whether or not your brain is fully in charge of any particular functioning system of your body.
If the brain is confused and therefore not completely congruent with the system in question, the muscle will respond with weakness. It is then my job to re-connect your brain to the system in question and thus resume its proper role in restoring any malfunctioning system to its proper function.
In effect, I am using 100% of your innate physical intelligence to show me what is driving your symptoms instead of my own 10% of intellectual knowledge – this way the options are unlimited!
We can find out so much about your health status through live blood analysis. Using Hemaview we can correct deficiencies and improve nutritional absorption using doTERRA medicinal essential oils and therapeutic health supplements.
Neurological Integration System known as Neurolink
Deborah Cooper has been helping people of all ages using a safe and simple natural system called Neurolink – that can source and treat many health dysfunctions using your own body and brain to do the work of healing.
Visit to find out more about the purest, safest most effective essential oils and natural body care products available today. To support emotional healing I find Psych-K – works most effectively in a respectful and gracious way by exposing self-sabotaging beliefs and life patterns, allowing the subconscious brain to create new pathways for processing the new positive belief. Where affirmations haven’t worked – Psych-K will!