Neurological Integration System

Neurological Integration System

The system of Neural Integration known as Neurolink needs your brain, central nervous system and entire body as a feedback mechanism which is used to detect the source of your symptoms; your brain is the healing agent which knows how to release the chemistry your body needs for recovery.

In all cases of any disorder there are certain inevitable physiological laws that affect your health.

Nutrition is the only remedy that can bring full recovery and can be used with any treatment. Remember, food is our best medicine!

The system of Neural Integration known as Neurolink needs your brain, central nervous system and entire body as a feedback mechanism which is used to detect the source of your symptoms; your brain is the healing agent which knows how to release the chemistry your body needs for recovery.

The brain controls every cell in the body through signals sent over the nervous system to every cell and hence every tissue, organs, etc.

The purpose of these signals is to continue life and insure survival of the species. All signals are, by design, created to insure balance of the entire organism (homeostasis).

If throughout the body all signals are uninterrupted, the default will be normal complete function. This state is called health.

These signals can be interrupted by some basic life events such as: Structural disturbances, weakened immunity, invasive pathogens, psychological and emotional stress or toxicity.

Any or all of these interferences will cause signal distractions from the brain to the body resulting in malfunction and disease.

In summary, unless the brain is aware of the signal distractions, it will not be able to initiate a healing cascade. Only the brain can recognize and correct the aberrant neurological distractions, and the NIS (NEUROLOGICAL INTEGRATION SYSTEM- is the ONLY system which can diagnose and correct abnormal physiology with 100% accuracy.

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